Statue of Polyphemus

138 - 180 2nd century AD
Material and technique:
cm 157
S 53
Gruppo di Polifemo, with a Greek at his feet, in the act of offering him the cup of wine. The Cyclops is seated on a rocky spur, his head turned slightly to the right, a feral skin on his right thigh, and he holds his right foot above the legs of the much smaller Greek figure crouching at his feet. It is possible that the work was part of a composite group, perhaps decorating a nymphaeum.
The head of the Greek is ancient, but not relevant; crowned with vines, it was rather related to the head of a personage in a Bacchic procession.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
Along the walls of the long porticoed ground-floor corridor opening onto the Courtyard there are large niches with statues, including colossal representations of Minerva and Mars.