Capitolina Library
The Library of Archaeology and History of the Art (Capitolina Library) is been born in 1872, with the institution of the Communal Archaeological Commission and the publication of the "Bullettino of the Communal Archaeological Commission".
Currently, after to have been accommodated in the trecentesco building of the House of the Valleys, the Library has center on the Campidoglio in the Palace of the Conservatori, near the Direction of the Capitolini Museums.
16.000 volumes and 300 periodicals, of which 110 assets
Catalogue online
Is currently in course the insertion of the catalogue of the library in SBN (Service National Librarian), consultable on internet of Pole SBN of the Common of Rome, that it collects catalogues of several libraries roman:
Polo SBN di Roma Capitale
on appointment
Tel. 06/6710.4966