Sarcophagus with sea thiasos and inscription by Promotus

Funerary monument and ornaments
First half of 3rd century AD; 4th-5th century AD (inscription)
Material and technique:
cm 66x212
From Rome, S. Lorenzo fuori le mura (1872)
inv. MC1215
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The landings on the main staircase that leads to the upper floors feature large historical reliefs which originally were used to decorate public monuments.
Three panels from a triumphal arch refer to the exploits of Marcus Aurelius and are lined up on the first landing, while another three portraying the Emperor Hadrian are distributed one on each landing.
On the top floor, on either side of the entrance to the Picture Gallery, two splendid panels inlaid with coloured marble from the Basilica Iunii Bassi on the Esquiline face each other.