
Filippo e Filippino Lippi. Ingegno e bizzarrie nell'arte del Rinascimento
Musei Capitolini -
Palazzo Caffarelli, Third Floor Halls
15 May - 22 September 2024
The exhibition portrays the talent of his father, one of the most important artists of Cosimo de' Medici's season in Florence, and that of his son, who inherited his father's genius and became the interpreter of taste in late 15th-century Rome.
Statua colossale di Costantino
Musei Capitolini -
giardino di Villa Caffarelli
06 February 2024 - 31 December 2025
At the Musei Capitolini, in the Giardino di Villa Caffarelli, the impressive life-size reconstruction of the Colosso di Costantino.
I Colori dell’Antico. Marmi Santarelli ai Musei Capitolini
Musei Capitolini -
Palazzo Clementino
13 April 2022 - 30 April 2032
On display is a broad overview of the use of coloured marble, from its origins to the twentieth century, through a fine selection of pieces from the Santarelli Foundation.
Musei Capitolini -
Villa Caffarelli
01 December 2024 - 31 May 2025
La collezione Farnese, massima espressione del collezionismo erudito, sostenuto da papa Paolo III e dai suoi nipoti, comprende dipinti, sculture antiche, bozzetti, disegni, manoscritti.
Goya e Caravaggio: verità e ribellione
Musei Capitolini -
Pinacoteca, Sala Santa Petronilla
12 January - 25 February 2024
The exhibition project places Caravaggio's Buona Ventura and Francisco Goya's Parasole on loan from the Prado National Museum in Madrid side by side for the first time.