Statue of “Capitoline Venus”

The sculpture, of slightly larger than life size dimensions, was found near Basilica of San Vitale around 1666-1670. It is made of precious marble (probably Parian), and represents Venus-Aphrodite nude and in contemplation, coming out of her bath. She is depicted with her arms following the curving contours of her soft and fleshy small-boned body and covering her breasts and pubc area. The right leg is forward and bent, and left is resting. The head is slightly tilted towards the left. The hairstyle is complicated. Part of the hair is pulled up, in the form of hoops, at the top of her head and tied to form a bow. Others locks touch her shoulders. The expression of the face seems absent, psychologically depicted by the small, languid eyes and the small, fleshy mouth.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The centre of this small octagonal room is occupied by a statue of the splendidly preserved Capitoline Venus, based on the prototype model of the Cnidian Aphrodite by Praxiteles .