Service Charter
The Civic Museum System of Roma Capitale is composed of various locations hosting highly important collections both from the historical and artistic point of view which, in addition to being the subject of various institutional studies, conservation and research, share a common project regarding elaboration, production and cultural enhancement.
The System coordinates human, technological and financial resources in order to provide the user with cultural activities and exhibitions of great importance, as well as reception services for the public and supervision, educational services and initiatives, publishing and merchandising services.
The Manager deals with the management and enhancement of the museums belonging to the Civic Museum System, organizing events, exhibitions, conferences, concerts and educational initiatives, that is visits and educational workshops.
We welcome proposals and complaints from users regarding the services described in this Charter. They can be addressed to:
Ufficio Carta dei Servizi di Zètema
Via Attilio Benigni, 59 - Roma
Phone 0039 06 820771
It is also possible to submit proposals and complaints via the internet
We inform you that the data processing is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality pursuant to Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ex artt. 13-14 UE 2016/679. We also inform you that processing of the data provided is allowed for the sole purpose of following up on the user’s request.
The proposals / complaints received are answered within 30 days from the date of submission, as required by the municipal resolution no. 136 - June 16, 2005.
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