Triumph of Lucius Aemilius Paullus over Perseus

Trionfo di Lucio Emilio Paolo su Perseo

Michele Alberti and Jacopo Rocchetti

Material and technique: 

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

Appartamento dei Conservatori - Sala dei Trionfi

The frescoed frieze which runs along the upper part of the walls was commissioned from Michele Alberti and Jacopo Rocchetti in 1569. 
It portrays the Triumph of Lucius Aemilius Paullus over the King of Macedonia Perseus with the Capitoline and the Palazzo dei Conservatori in the background. 
The coffered wooden ceiling is the only one left among those carried out in the Palazzo by Flaminio Bolonger. 
This room also contains some large bronze sculptures: the Capitoline Brutus, the Spinario and the Camillus

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