Online collection
Immersive videos with descriptions and sensorial suggestions and games to take a different look at some of the museum's works. The Musei Capitolini open their doors virtually to the discovery of the masterpieces in the collection.

Searching for Homer. A journey into the epic poems through the works of the Musei Capitolini. Escape Room
A series out of the many artworks from the museum, most of them inspired by the epic poems of the Iliad and the Odyssey, are approached by the visitor through an educational game designed as an escape room where the main focus is to escape from a room and to solve puzzles of various different nature.
The Galata morente, a proud and indomitable warrior who, although defeated and mortally wounded, tells his story.
Use your eyes to see and #giocaconicapitolini
Discover the differences between two images of the Museum's masterpieces, apparently identical, and play with the works of art in the Musei Capitolini. The solution will measure the skill of the participants and give a different perspective on the work in play, offering lots of information and greater attention to iconographic details.
Game cards:
#1 - Rilievo con Marco Aurelio che sacrifica a Giove Capitolino
#2 - Ratto di Europa
#3 - Statua di Centauro giovane di Aristeas e Papias
#4 - Lazzaro mendicante alla tavola dell'uomo ricco
#5 - Cratere della Collezione Castellani
#6 - Dipinto di Girolamo Savoldo
#7 - Decorazione in terracotta dipinta del Tempio di Giove