Online museum

Special appointments for visiting the museum from home and learning more about its history and heritage. These are virtual tours and video stories enriched by audio and image testimony to tell the story of the museum and its masterpieces.

Lupa Capitolina



The virtual tour of the Musei Capitolini, accessible from all devices, offers a journey to discover the beauty of the heritage through a digital experience that overcomes the spatial limits of almost the entire museum space.
Thanks to the special controls, it is possible to move virtually around the museum, read the information panels on the rooms and works, zoom and turn images 360°, browse through photo galleries and videos, and enjoy other contextual content.
The "Don't miss" section, which contains a practical visual list of selected works or rooms, is a useful tool for those who do not know the museum and are visiting it for the first time: by clicking on a work represented (for example "La Lupa" for the Musei Capitolini) the user is virtually transported to the room that houses it.
The tour is also enhanced by intelligent maps that follow the visitor as he or she moves from one room to another, indicating rooms or works not yet displayed.
Finally, thanks to the latest generation of drones, it is possible to take flight and see rooms and works from above, enjoying an additional and unusual perspective of the visit.

> Start the virtual tour


Available online, 10 audio/video guide LIS - Italian Sign Language - of the Pinacoteca Capitolina is now online: a new tool for getting to know the Gallery's immense historical and artistic heritage.
Ten episodes to discover the entire collection, room by room, providing a more complete and engaging experience, showing authentic masterpieces of art history. The videos can be viewed on your smartphone to let yourself be guided through the rooms or on the web in preparation for your visit.

LIS Video: The Pinacoteca Capitolina - Introduction


The Museum of Museums section describes the century-long history of the Musei Capitolini, the oldest public museum in the world. From the donation of the bronzes preserved in the Laterano by Pope Sisto IV in 1471 to the establishment of the first modern museum in the Campidoglio in December 1733, the growth of the Capitoline collections has taken place through the gradual acquisition of many works of art and museum collections.

An introducing chapter, in two parts, that focuses on the Sistine donation and the beginnings of eighteenth-century museums.

Institution of the Museo Capitolino
Creation of the Museo Capitolino in December 1733, a benchmark for all public collections in the Age of Enlightenment Europe.

The Cardinal Alessandro Albani Collection
Detailed information on the figure of Cardinal Alessandro, a distinguished leader in the cultural and political life of eighteenth-century Rome.

The Cesi Collection
The fragmentation of the Cesi collection and the transfer of some of the statues to the courtyard of the Palazzo dei Conservatori and the Palazzo Nuovo on the Capitoline Hill, including Juno Cesi, still one of the Musei Capitolini best known and most appreciated marble sculptures.

Sculptures from the Giustiniani and Ludovisi collections
An account of two of the most famous collections of antique sculpture in seventeenth-century Rome: the one associated with the activities of Marquis Vincenzo Giustiniani and the one formed by Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi.


Storytelling of important events in the history of the city of Rome.

The Campidoglio burning (69 A.D.)
Dialogue between Giulia, daughter of the Emperor Tito, and her affectionate nurse Fillide.
Through the dialogue between Julia, daughter of the Emperor Tito, and her affectionate nurse Fillide, the story of the Tempio di Giove on the Campidoglio in the Flavian age is covered. The story begins with Giulia who, now an adult, addresses Fillide glorifying the architectural works commissioned by her uncle Domiziano, focusing on the new face of the imposing Tempio Capitolino. In reply, Fillide reminds her when, in 69 AD, the hill was the scene of the violent civil war between the future emperor Vespasiano and Vitellio, which also led to the destruction of the temple. On 21 June 70 AD the first stone was laid for the reconstruction of the sanctuary. Fillide has the task of remembering this solemn celebration and the atrocious events that preceded it with a story that invests her with the role of " maintaining" the identity of her beloved Julia through memories, retracing a past and a history that belongs to all of us.

A merry spring festival in the company of a dark god. On the day that corresponded to 21 May in the Roman calendar, the Agonalia were celebrated in honour of the god Veiove. They were festivals characterised by religious rites, games and shows in the Circo Massimo and banquets until late in the evening. The spring, which was manifesting itself as it was in these days, luxuriant and joyful, was thus united with the figure of this dark god, linked to the infernal world but protector of fertility and of obscure and hidden nature. This was the way to celebrate a god who had the power to ward off storms, natural calamities and diseases in anticipation of the summer season.