The Galleria Lapidaria of the Capitoline Museums. Pages from a carved “book” on public and private life in Ancient Rome

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Musei Capitolini

The visit offers the possibility to learn about the rich and precious collection of ancient epigraphs contained in the recently opened Galleria Lapidaria, following an interesting tour through the area beneath the piazza del Campidoglio which connects Palazzo dei Conservatori, the Palazzo Nuovo and the Palazzo Senatorio. The itinerary begins at the Palazzo dei Conservatori and ends in the Galleria del Tabularium, where visitors can enjoy an enchanting view of the Roman Forum.

The 130 inscriptions in stone and marble that are displayed in the Galleria Lapidaria recount the history, politics, and social and religious life in Ancient Rome from the Republican through the rise of Christianity.  The visit will highlight inscriptions of particular interest as well as the various themes around which the exhibition is organized (Language; Trades and professions; Games; Burial customs; Law). The analysis of the inscriptions will include basic information on how they were made and the compositional standards for different types of epigraphs.  Visitors will also be able to admire the gallery’s new furnishings including a multimedia station which gives visitors access to the entire collection of 1400 epigraphs.  The visit will also describe the itinerary which has been set-up for the visually impaired with various, complete with various instruments at their disposal (guide in Braille, educational panels with tactile diagrams and a model in resin of the Palazzo Senatorio).

Guided tour by Daniela Velestino


Place Musei Capitolini
Opening hours

Saturday, September 20 at 10:00.

Entrance ticket

Entry fee of 1€ - Free guided tour

Tickets for special events

Free tour with payment of the entrance fee to the museum € 1.00.


Booking required: 060608 (max. 30 people)

Musei Capitolini, Piazza del Campidoglio (meeting point in front of ticket office)

Guided tour

Sovrintendenza Capitolina with Zètema Progetto Cultura

Booking compulsory: Sì

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